About Us
We are a Kingdom-minded, Kingdom-oriented ministry with a mandate to encourage,  empower and motivate women to walk in victory.

A Woman of Worth Empowerment Ministries, hereafter referred to as WOW is a gathering of women of destiny designed to encourage, inspire and motivate them reach the destiny and purpose wrapped inside of them. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). 

It is time for women to reconnect with the woman God created them to be. For years, many women have been sitting on the back burner, side lined due to low self-esteem, insecurity and inferiority. Many are pregnant with gifts, talents, ministry, peace, joy, healing, praise, dreams, goals, and purpose. God has placed "purpose" inside of us. The bible says, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. What are they hearing? 

Our Goal
A Woman of Worth Empowerment Ministries is more than a conference, it is an agent of change in the lives of God’s people. Amidst life’s labor pains, WOW’s goal is to show women that they have the inner-power to pursue their purpose. It’s time to deliver their destiny and birth their dreams. They are often hearing negative and detrimental words that destroy their self-worth. Through the pains of emotional, physical and verbal abuse, many believe the report of the enemy and give up on accomplishing anything in life. Our vision is to empower individuals to reach their full God give potential and release them from the bondage that has held them captive for so many years.  

The bible says, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. What are they hearing?  Often they hear the same record repeating itself.  A Woman of Worth is here to change the record and help our sisters hear a new sound.  A sound released from heaven that sings, "You are a woman of worth, a treasure beyond price. You are the apple of God's eye.

A Woman of Worth Empowerment Ministries is more than a conference or a book. WOW is an agent for change in the lives of God's women.  Amidst life's labor pains, WOW's goal is to show women that they have the inner-strength to pursue their God given purpose and destiny.
--Dr. Evelyn Hill
Our goal is to empower the triune woman: mind, body and spirit.
WOW's goal is to empower the total woman, the triune woman: mind, body and spirit through conference, workshops entrepreneurship training, grants, scholarships and more.
Through the various programs and activities in WOW, we want women to:

  • Move from low self-esteem to unshakable confidence.
  • Learn to remain positive during stressful time.
  • Unlock your God-given potential.
  • Learn to identify priorities and make sound choices.
  • Learn to walk in unshakable faith.
  • Learn to develop business and managerial skills
  • Learn the skills needed to navigate any financial        landscape.

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WOW Academy
The Books
Study Materials
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